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Board of Directors


Council 8003 President
NM LULAC State Director

It has been an extremely great pleasure to serve as the New Mexico State LULAC Director for the last few years. As a member of LULAC for 39 years, I have seen LULAC at every level, become a formidable and powerful organization that speaks for Civil Rights and many other critical issues. I have had the honor to serve as our local Council President, going on three years. I have previously served as Vice President, Scholarship Chairman as well as the Building Manager.


Vice President

I was born and raised in La Capilla, San Vicente de la Ciénega, also known as Silver City. I have been a member of LULAC Council 8003 for 25 years, serving as vice president for 2 years and currently am the State Deputy for Young Adults. I have also served in the Knights of Columbus for 33 years, the Democratic Party of Grant County, numerous local unions, as a member of New Mexico Federation of Labor, and helped to organize to achieve National Historic status for Local 890 Salt of the Earth Mine Union Hall.



I was born in Silver City, grew up in Santa Clara. I retired from Silver Consolidated School District as an administrative assistant after 27.75 years. I am a congregant of the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd. I have been a member of LULAC Council 8003 since 2010. I am a card-carrying member of ACLU, & Grant County Democratic Party. I am a member of the Silver City Museum Society Board of Directors. I am very grateful that I was born and raised in Grant County, and I love living in Grant County.



I was a LULAC member of 8004 back in the 70s. Life long resident of Grant County born and raised here, attended local schools and WNMU. I was the Fire Chief for Silver City Fire Department for 27 years, 35 years all together. Retired in 2002. Married to Frances Vasquez, have one daughter Cathie, and three grand kids and two great grand kids.



Lynn has served in many capacities in the LULAC organization over the years including President. Life long resident of Grant county born and raised here attended local schools and WNMU. Lynn is instrumental in the famous LULAC Enchilada Sale fundraisers that have provided scholarships to hundreds of Grant County students. Lynn is an active member of her church and her community.